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100% Orange Juice | 59

view deck namesaccelerator, airstrike, bigbangbell, binding, boardgames, cookingtime, deltafield, evil, evilspywork, foryou, hypermiracle, hypermode, juice, luckyegg, plushiemaster, protagonists, redbean, specs, starblasting, ubiquitous, x16

Akatsuki no Yona | 43

caretaker, conspiring, dragonblood, dragonclaw, dragoneyes, kouka, raijuu

Ao no Exorcist | 35

bon, broccoli, byakko, chu-hi, faust, krik, lipservice, truecross

Arata Kangatari | 25

gatoya, homura, muru, nakisawa, takara, tsukuyo, unemezoku

Baccano! | 47

apathetic, break, burn, clueless, devoured, eccentric, happyend, kill, martillo, mute, observing, respected, stowaway, suit, tattoo, tortured, vino

Black Blood Brothers | 14

compromiser, silverblade


boyish, bread, cards, dorm, library, reference, sister, starfish, theatrical, toilet

Code Geass | 45

blind, damocles, fleija, gloucester, knightmare, orenji, parties, princess, rebel, shenhu, six, sociopath, swimming, tianzi, tristan, vincent, witch, zero

Cromartie High School | 17

bananasushi, honeyboy, kokuryu, mistaken, mohawk

Durarara!! | 32

actor, chat, chief, doctor, dullahan, fujoshi, information, monta, novel, parasite, sushi, van, violence

Earl and Fairy | 50

aquatic, blueknights, greeneyes, painter, sprite, whiskers

ef ~a fairytale of the two~ | 40

cahoots, church, cryptic, disappear, encounter, focus, highimpact, miki

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