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Gundam series

decks in collecting / portfolio: blitz

Gundam SEED + Destiny | 78

heliopolis, humanistic, impersonate, justice, phantompain, plant, possible, rouge, x24s, x31s, x88s, zaku

Gundam 00 | 139

view deck names0988, acepilot, civilian, desu, drei, dynames, eins, engineer, forecaster, immortal, innovator, medic, meister, operator, socialite, taisa, taozi, technician, tomorrow, trailblazer, veda, wakening, wildbear, zwei

Other Gundams | 12

Decks I want to collect from Gundam animes I have yet to see, either because I love the designs or for other reasons, like rp osmosis. Please free to ask these from me, if you want them.

barbatos, deathscythe, epyon, heavyarms, nataku, swordia, tekkadan