needed collecting as text


honest (20/20)

meatbuns (20/20)

solchakram (9/20)

chaldea (11/20)

hotcakes (13/20)

blitz (19/20)

killertennis (10/20)

icewitch (12/20)

hi-potions (13/20)

nekomata (8/20)

kakkii (14/20)

rhythmia (10/20)

sekit (13/20)

sparkling (12/20)

traitor / seasalt (14/40)

No! Xion... Who else will I have ice cream with?

bubblegum / lungs (31/40)

Thank you for everything, Partner. Please watch over me from here on too!

libero / wingspiker (40/40)

I´ll take care of everything and get it through to you! So please hit this spike with everything you´ve got, Asahi-san!!

flame / lieutenant (23/40)

I will follow you into hell if you ask me to.